Thursday, June 4, 2020

Five Individuals are Honored at 2020 METNY Scholarship Gala

On Tuesday, June 2nd, the METNY USY Scholarship Gala, a virtual event, chaired by Debbi Varano, honored the work of five individuals whose dedication to raising funds for scholarships for teens in the Metropolitan New York Region of USY, have made a tremendous impact over the past year. Dr. Evelyn Hurvitz, Beth Hurvitz and Denise Hurvitz; Matthew Resnick and Justin Rosen Smolen were all recognized for their commitment and dedication, as well as volunteerism, to METNY USY. While USY has postponed its summer 2020 programs, donations to the METNY USY Scholarship Fund directly support teens attending regional, divisional and international USY programs in the future. To donate, click here.

In offering congratulatory remarks to the honorees, Rabbi Joshua Rabin, Senior Director, Teen Engagement, USY said, “Tonight, we are here to honor Beth, Denise, Evelyn, Matt, and Justin, individuals who chose to offer a small piece of themselves to the future of USY, and to give a piece of ourselves to help lower the barriers to participation in USY’s exceptional programs. USY cannot thrive without your time and resources, any amount of personal or financial energy you can offer will be thanked as if it played a small role in the transformation of the Jewish people. Because it does.”

The Metropolitan New York Region of USY (METNY) serves Jewish teens from Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, Long Island, Westchester, Rockland, Putnam, Orange Counties and Greenwich, Stamford, and Norwalk, CT.

METNY USY offers middle and high school students the opportunity to engage in various Jewish and social activities while forming friendships that last a lifetime. Through a variety of programs throughout the year, METNY USY strives to inspire meaningful encounters with Judaism and the Jewish people. We believe that engagement, study, and action lead to personal fulfillment and growth. METNY USY aims to give teens opportunities to make significant contributions to their synagogues, communities, society, and the Jewish people.

from USCJ
via USCJ

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