Tuesday, May 12, 2020

USCJ Joins Celebration of Jewish American Heritage Month

In honor of Jewish American Heritage Month, the member organizations of the Conference of Presidents joined in the following statement, recommitting themselves to shared principles and values:

The United States honors the important contributions that American Jews have made to this country by observing Jewish American Heritage Month each May. Since the arrival of a small group of Jewish refugees fleeing the Inquisition in 1654, we have cherished America as a land of tolerance and opportunity where we could live free of persecution. As we worked and thrived in our adopted country, our community played a key role in the story of America, achieving success in every facet of American life and contributing significantly to building and strengthening our country. We know that Jewish contributions to enhancing America will only grow in the years ahead.

This year, while we celebrate, our community faces the unprecedented challenges presented by COVID-19 as well as the resurgence of virulent antisemitism. These diseases, one of the body and one of the spirit, threaten the quality of Jewish life in America. During times of distress in our long history, we have survived and flourished when we act in unity focused on the shared commitments that bind us together as one people: our faith, our country, and our support for Israel. In keeping with that tradition, we commit ourselves, our organizations, and our community to working together with all of our fellow Americans, based on our shared commitment to democracy and our devotion to our country’s prosperity, to sustain each other in these troubled times as we banish bigotry from our midst. We look to the words of our first president, George Washington, who wrote, “May the children of the Stock of Abraham, who dwell in this land, continue to merit and enjoy the good will of the other Inhabitants; while every one shall sit in safety under his own vine and figtree, and there shall be none to make him afraid.” We pray that this day comes swiftly and pledge to work together and in coalition with other segments of the American people to assure a brighter future for our children. Together, we raise our voices and our prayers in honor of America.

from USCJ https://uscj.org/blog/uscj-joins-celebration-of-jewish-american-heritage-month
via USCJ

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