Friday, March 6, 2020

A Purim Message From Rabbi Jacob Blumenthal

Have you ever had a moment when you felt called to a sacred task? What is it like when we face a moment that we have been born to do? Where we must take the risk of a lifetime to save something dear, precious, or even holy? The most important moment in Megillat Esther, the story of Esther that we will read on Purim, is the conversation Mordechai has with Esther. As the new queen, she has the potential to stop the King’s edict to destroy the Jewish people in Persia. But if she approaches the king in the wrong way, she herself might be killed. So she hesitates. And her uncle Mordechai comes to her and says, “Umee yode’ah eem l’eit kazot higat l’malkhut -- Who knows but if it is for this moment that you have been brought into the court,” to save the Jewish people. It is a “Mission Impossible” moment of calling, but she accepts the mission, makes the request of the king, and – spoiler alert – saves the Jewish people. Throughout my rabbinate and my life, I have always believed that our Conservative movement is the authentic space for a balanced, deeply meaningful, and loving Judaism for the vibrant center of Jewish life around the world. And we need to ask ourselves, “Who knows but whether it was for this moment that we have been called” – our synagogues, our rabbis in every setting, our cantors, our educators, our lay leaders, our administrators, our funders – to bring our eternal Torah into the lives of people in a way that calls them to higher purpose. Our old, siloed structures, which were often vying for influence rather than enhancing the lives of the Jewish people, are simply not up to the task. Instead, we have chosen to start with our rabbis around the globe, and in all paths in the rabbinate, together with synagogues and synagogue leadership in North America. We will model the move to an ecosystem to support, connect, and empower our communities, their participants, and their leaders. We will be a collective force for healing, meaning, connection, and beauty in the world, by bringing more Torah, to more people, in more places, in more ways. I hope you will see yourself as a partner in our shared work. Reach out. Let us know how you would like to help. Each of us is needed. Please accept my wishes for a Purim holiday full of laughter, joy, and celebration -- and I also hope you’ll take a moment for reflection on what you are being called to do at this moment in your own life. What is your sacred mission that will bring laughter, healing, and meaning to yourself, to others, and to the world?

Chag Purim Sameach!

from USCJ
via USCJ

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